With increasing global inflation rates, particularly impacting low-wage workers, the traditional practice of waiting for scheduled paydays is becoming increasingly challenging. To address this issue, some entities are now offering Earned Wage Access (EWA) programs, which provide employees with the … Read More
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Challenges for digital banks in Bangladesh
In a rapidly evolving financial landscape, digital banks have emerged as a disruptive force, revolutionizing the way people manage their finances. These tech-savvy financial institutions operate end-to-end digitally, offering a range of banking services without the need for physical branches. … Read More

Fintech founder using AI to improve lives and livelihoods in Bangladesh
Computing UK – https://www.computing.co.uk/interview/4117005/fintech-founder-ai-improve-lives-livelihoods-bangladesh Women in Tech Excellence Rising Star of Financial Services awards winner, Shabnam Wazed is shaping fintech, using AI to make financial services more inclusive.
Judging panel at this year’s Women in Tech Excellence Awards in November! 🙌
Women in Tech Excellence – https://womenintechexcellence.co.uk/womenintechexcellenceawards2023/en/page/judges
Shabnam Wazed speaking on the ‘The Meetup Show podcast’👇
The Meetup Show | Episode 006 | Amy Wazed – The Journey of an Entrepreneur Cypher Media https://youtu.be/XPYFK9Jsm4s
AGAM was in reference on pwc report, The next banking evolution in Bangladesh, May 2023

UK Fintech AGAM International and Swisscontact Forge Ground-breaking Initiative to Accelerate Financial Access for Thousands of Factory Workers.
UK fintech AGAM International and leading international NGO, Swisscontact, announce a pioneering strategic alliance to accelerate financial access to thousands of Ready-Made Garment (RMG) factory workers across Bangladesh.

Financial Access for Bangladeshi Factory Workers Enabled Following AGAM and Swisscontact Alliance
UK fintech, AGAM International and international NGO, Swisscontact, have partnered to accelerate financial access to thousands of Ready-Made Garment (RMG) factory workers across Bangladesh.
FinTech Wales Meets AGAM’s CEO, Shabnam Wazed
FinTech Wales – https://fintechwales.org/news/fintech-wales-meets-agams-ceo-shabnam-wazed/ Part of our mission is to be louder and prouder about the achievements of Wales’ FinTech ecosystem, demonstrating that it is the place to start and scale your FinTech.
AGAM International and Swisscontact help factory workers in Bangladesh access finance
IBS Intelligence – https://ibsintelligence.com/ibsi-news/agam-international-and-swisscontact-help-factory-workers-in-bangladesh-access-finance/ UK FinTech, AGAM International and global NGO, Swisscontact, announced a strategic alliance to provide financial access to thousands of Ready-Made Garment factory workers across Bangladesh.